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Our students talking about our program.

“Daisy has been in the diabetic alert training for 7 weeks now. She is only 7 months old. Last night at 2 in the morning I woke up to an excited pup in my face. She got her two front paws up on the bed and started bumping me on the leg, I didn’t pay much attention to her at that point. After awhile she decided I wasn’t going to wake up and she proceeded to bump me on the side of the face. Sure enough I got up, checked my blood sugar and was down to 62. I thought Daisy did a great job and went to reward her with some treats when I noticed she had opened the fridge by tugging on my belt I attached to the door handle! My juice wasn’t in a small bottle where she could have grabbed it but she tried her best. I’m so impressed with what only 7 classes has done for me and Daisy!”

After only 4 training sessions one of our students had this to say about his EIGHT month old puppy, “Eric had an insulin reaction at work that caused him to pass out. Buddy… may have saved Eric’s life. When Eric went down Buddy started howling and it alerted his boss who came and found him on the floor.”

Our youngest Diabetic Alert Dog Puppy named Daisy at 7 and a half weeks old

“Lily is alerting me regularly and has begun to do so on the bus, at bus stops and other out door locations… I just don’t collapse in stores or on the street anymore because she catches my lows earlier than I usually do and when I am distracted!”

“Malla and I have been attending Service Dog Academy in Seattle, WA, for 5 weeks of training. I’m a “brittle” diabetic… Sat, June 18th, Malla saved my life… Between 9 AM and 10 AM, Malla woke me, as she had been taught in our diabetic alert training. As I was attempting to wake up, I realized Malla was alerting me to a low blood sugar. I also realized I was home alone, and I could not walk. With Malla’s help I crawled to the refrigerator and got a regular Coke. As I regained some mobility I was able to run another blood sugar and this time it was 43. If it had not been for Malla’s training, the tenacity of her breed, and her love and devotion to me; I reallly don’t think I would be here today.”

“Today my dog Sam was very persistent in alerting me that my blood sugar had dropped very low. He brought the meter to me before I felt the symptoms. Even though I was with several people at the time, Sam focused only on me without distractions. He did his job and he did it with confidence. I believe his quick response would not have happened without the excellent training received in the 8 week Diabetic Alert class…. She has a positive environment so the dogs are relaxed and eager to learn. I highly recommend this class.”

“While working today with Jonathan on my computer at our home, Jonathan suddenly told me that Lola was bumping him. He immediately tested himself and found out that his blood sugar level was 53 !!!! Once again, really exciting. I know it is just the beginning… I just wanted you to be the first one to know and to deeply thank you for all your effort when working with us. We are all looking forward to continue working with you on training Lola.”

Our first migraine alert dog owner who trained her dog to alert to migraines in our Diabetic Alert 101 class had this to say about her dog “Sometimes I don’t get my migraine fast enough for him and he warns me over and over again. Don’t forget to wash your sheets and clothes because it holds the scent that makes him think it is party time and he will warn you for days on end!”

Student photos!