If you want to purchase a medical alert dog or train your own, you can only benefit from utilizing the following resources.

Training A Service Dog Is Expensive
Having a service dog is expensive and there is absolutely no getting around it. If you cannot afford at least $5000 to purchase the dog, provide the dog with adequate medical care, high quality food, training classes taught by experienced trainers and various supplies that will ensure your dogs’s success, please don’t contact me. The check you see to your left is from a student who tried to cheap out their puppies’ training. She enrolled in my medical alert dog class and three weeks into it, told me that she had never taken her 4 month old puppy to a class and was trying to do everything herself because she couldn’t afford to hire a trainer I highly recommended she work with. Her puppy was now becoming fearful and aggressive in public. I tore up her class check and told her to start working with the other trainer immediately. Cheaping out your service dog’s training will only result in FAILURE. I did not start a service dog business to take peoples last dollar only to see them fail. If you want to find out how much it costs to get a puppy and train it yourself, board your puppy with our board and train program or purchase an already trained dog from us as well as funding ideas on how you can go about funding a service dog, click here.

Ensure Your Service Dog's Success With These 7 Items
Training a service dog is hard. I compare it to raising a child. If you want to succeed in your journey towards raising a medical alert dog for you or someone you know, you need certain supplies to make your job easier. On this webpage you will find a list of 7 of the top items we use in our medical alert dog training facility to help our medical alert dogs become the experts that can save the lives of their owners on a daily basis.
We Are Looking For Heroes Who Are Willing To Volunteer Their Time
Mary McNeight has been trying to raise and train service dogs puppies by herself for the last two years. Its been impossible to do in a responsible manner with just one person. That is where you come in. We need help in all areas. WE LITERALLY NEED ANY AN ALL HELP IN EVERY AREA OF RAISING AND TRAINING A SERVICE DOG. Do you like to play with puppies? Perfect, we need to you to help play with and cuddle puppies from birth to 8 weeks of age and beyond. Do you like working with a camera or want to learn how to make videos? Perfect, we need the help and are willing to train you to make and edit videos. Do you love to clean? Perfect, we need help keeping our puppies and their crates squeaky clean. Do you want to learn how to do home improvement? Perfect, we have the opportunity to work side by side with Mary McNeight to learn how to use power tools to help us with various dog training improvement projects around the home. Do you wan to become a puppy raiser and have one of our puppies live with you for the first year of their lives while we teach you how to train the dog for service work. Perfect, we have a volunteer position open for that too. Do you love websites or want to learn how to work on them. Perfect, we have the opportunity to help you learn how to edit websites and get some experience with them. Do you love using social media? Perfect, we need help utilizing social media outlets for our organization. Do you love networking? Perfect, we need people to schedule events and staff our booths at local events. No job is too big or too small. All we ask is for a regular commitment of at least 2 hours per week for 4 months. Do you think you have time to help? Click here to be taken to our volunteer application.