Mary McNeight Presented For 3 Hours To A 6000+ Member Dog Trainer Organization On The Topic Of Service Dog Training
Mary McNeight has been locally and nationally recognized by her peers for excellence in both pet and service dog training. The ultimate honor came when Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, CCS, BGS presented on Service Dog Program Basics and Law at the Association of Professional Dog Trainers 2013 Conference.
Service Dog Academy Featured Author For Association Of Professional Dog Trainers’ Magazine
Mary McNeight was a featured author in the 6000+ dog trainer organization The Association Of Professional Dog Trainers magazine The Chronicle of the Dog Summer Issue. Her article titled Clearing Up The Confusion: Assistance Dogs and Their Public Access Rights was written to help dog trainers understand the access rights of service dogs in training (like diabetic alert dogs) in their training studios and classrooms.
Periodic Paralysis, HypoKPP, Craniocervical Instability Service Dog Academy student featured on TV Show The Doctors
Paul’s dog Koira was trained in Service Dog Academy’s Medical Alert Dog Class in 2014. At that point we though Paul had hemiplegic migraines but it turns out he had Periodic Paralysis caused by HypoKPP and Craniocervical Instability. Paul’s dog, who has different alerts that allows him to be notified up to 30 minutes before each type of episode has been a life changer for this young man and him and Koira were featured on The Doctors TV show in 2020. Amazing!
Service Dog Academy & Mary McNeight Featured in 2019 New York Times Best Seller Doctor Dogs By Maria Goodavage
Mary McNeight and two of her students, including experimental students who alerted to HypoKPP, Craniocervical Instability and even Cancer were featured in the New York Times Best Selling book Doctor Dogs by Maria Goodavage. Get it today!
Mary McNeight Featured in 2019 International Book Dogs with Jobs: Inspirational Tales of the World’s Hardest-Working Dogs
Mary McNeight and one of her students, Molly Polly, a Silky Terrier was the first diabetic alert service dog brought into the Australian Canberra School District to help two twin girls to manage their diabetes. In this book you will hear about Molly’s training journey story including how she went to the Australian equivalent of Congress to advocate for service dog access rights in Australia. Find your copy of Dogs with Jobs: Inspirational Tales of the World’s Hardest-Working Dogs here.
The Spruce Pets Vet Reviewed Services listed Service Dog Academy as the “Best Overall” online service dog training program in the world.
It was not until we started getting emails from former and potential students did we even find out that our service dog training program had been reviewed by Ashley Knierim of Spruce Pets. We agree with Ashley’s many points, that we are the most easy to use program for people who want to legitimately train their own medical alert dog from anywhere in the world.
Beloved Children’s Book Author Trudi Strain Trueit interviews Mary McNeight for her book Careers With Animals – Animal Trainer Book
Trudi Strain Trueit featured Mary McNeight in her children’s book about how to become an animal trainer. Mary has inspired a number of adults to become dog trainers, lawyers that fight for service dog animal access rights and even social workers that help the disabled but in this book Mary got the chance to inspire children to become service dog trainers. Find your copy of Careers With Animals – Animal Trainer here.
In 2021 The St. Louis Post Dispatch writes article about the power of service dog heros and features Mary McNeight
Although we have been featured in media all across the US, it was wonderful to see one of the largest local papers feature the story about how Liame, Mary’s service dog, was trained, saved Mary’s life and eventually inspired Service Dog Academy’s train your own dog program. You can read the whole story here.
Mary McNeight, a breeder of distinction, featured in the AKC Magazine’s article on how dogs can aid in Disease Detection.
Mary McNeight and her HypoKPP, Periodic Paralysis and Craniocervical Instability student Paul and Koira were featured in the AKC Magazine in their article on the power of dog noses to aid in Disease Detection. You can read the article at the following link. Although we have been featured in media all across the US, it was wonderful to see one of the largest local papers feature the story about how Liame, Mary’s service dog, was trained, saved Mary’s life and eventually inspired Service Dog Academy’s train your own dog program. You can read the whole story here.
Mary McNeight’s groundbreaking Narcolepsy Alert Dog Program featured in Sleep Review Magazine.
In 2010, inspired by a high school friend who had narcolepsy, Mary McNeight created the WORLD’S FIRST trained Narcolepsy Alert dog. It literally took years for other trainers and the media to realize this was a legitimate type of alert dog but Mary has now successfully trained many narcolepsy alerting dogs for students around the world. See what Sleep Review Magazine said about our one of a kind narcolepsy alert dog training program in two separate articles. One on how service dogs help Narcolepsy and the other on How service dogs can help all types of sleep disorders.
IAADP The International Association of Assistance Dog Partners features Article written by Mary McNeight, Originally Published in the APDT Chronicle of the Dog
Mary wrote an article for the Association of Professional Dog Trainers Magazine The Chronicle of the Dog Magazine on The Unintended Consequences of Greeting a Service Dog. IAADP thought it was so good, they decided to publicize it in their magazine Partners Forum. You can read the article for free starting on Page 6.
In 2022 Service Dog Academy was featured as one of only a few legitimate Narcolepsy Alert Dog programs in the world on a Healthline article.
Again, like we said, Service Dog Academy was called a scam, fraudulent sham organization back in 2010 when we INVENTED THE WORLD’S FIRST trained Narcolepsy Alert dog. Many trainers banned Mary and Service Dog Academy from support groups, and called her a liar and more negative terms that would not be appropriate for even the internet. We have been vindicated but it only took over 5 years. In 2022, Service Dog Academy was featured in a Healthline article on how to find a Narcolepsy alert dog trainer.
Mary McNeight and first Australian diabetic alert dog in the Canberra school district featured in children book Amazing Dogs With Amazing Jobs
As we have stated we have inspired adults to become service dog trainers, support personnel for disabled people but one of the biggest joys in life is for us to inspire kids. In this book Molly Polly who is a Silky Terrier who lives in Australia, and Mary McNeight are featured in this children’s book about amazing dogs.
Modern Dog Magazine featured Mary McNeight as an expert on scent dog detection for medical conditions.
We never expect to be listed with University Professors as experts in articles but as you can see, our experimentation in medical alert dog training has made Mary McNeight and Service Dog Academy a name among the creme de la creme in scent dog detection. Read about how Mary McNeight and Service Dog Academy are one of the most recognized experts in their industries.
Mary McNeight and Service Dog Academy Featured In The Business Journals Article on Small Medium Business Heroes
Service Dog Academy and Diabetic Alert Dog University was featured as a Small Medium Business Hero for the help we provide to people with disabilities and reduced income. Additionally this article talks about how one of our students, Jeff Dempsey, a Boeing Engineer, used both our in home boarding and classroom services to train his own diabetic alert dog.
Tu Diabetes / Diabetes Hands Foundation’s Most Popular Interview To Date Was About Service Dog Academy’s Diabetic Alert Dog Video Training Program
Worldwide In Flight Alaska Airlines Magazine Features Service Dog Academy’s Diabetes Alert Dog Training Program
Mary McNeight is a worldwide traveler. She’s lived in Pakistan, climbed into the pyramids in Egypt, walked around the Roman Colosseum and visited castles in Germany. Little did Alaska Airlines know when they interview Mary, that her service dogs have taken over 50 flights all across the US from one coast to another. In this article Jim Gullo references Service Dog Academy’s train your own diabetic alert dog program as one of only a handful of programs around the US that are creating life long bonds of love and support through service dog training.
Service Dog Academy’s Diabetic Alert and Medical Alert Dog Training Program featured in Just Labs Magazine
As many of you already know, Mary McNeight loves labradors for their temperaments for service work. In this article Just Labs Magazine Writer Shelley Bueche talks about our diabetic alert dog training program as well as how we used our diabetic alert dog training methodology and applied it to other disabilities like Migraines and Epilepsy. Additionally this article is the first press mention of how we helped to train the Worlds First Narcolepsy Alert Dog in 2010!
Service Dog Academy wins the Association Of Pet Dog Trainers Dr. Robert Curran NewTrix (2012) Video Award for their video on How to Teach the Service Dog “Quick Greet” an online community for Labrador Lovers features Service Dog Academy’s Mary McNeight Expert Dog Training Advice only works with a handful of highly trained dog trainers to produce its content. Service Dog Academy’s Mary McNeight was featured in numerous articles on pet dog training using service dog training techniques. Articles topics include How To Prevent Resource Guarding, Taking Treats Nicely, Reducing Energy Levels Through Work To Eat Puzzles and Working Through Fear The Service Dog Way.
Service Dog Academy Featured on Q13 Fox News talking about Fireworks and the 4th of July!
Having an anxiety condition herself, Mary thought it a good idea for people to be prepared to help their dogs during the 4th of July fireworks season. To hear what Mary suggests dog owners do during the 4th, click on the image above to be taken to the video.
Liame to Be Honored by PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap as “Hero Dog” for inspiring Service Dog Academy, West Seattle’s Premier Dog Training Facility.

On May 19th Liame, Service Dog Academy’s first student, was officially honored as a “Community Hero” for inspiring the creation of Service Dog Academy and personally helping over 525 dogs in the Puget Sound region as well as thousands online through our free dog training advice youtube channel. PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap will hold an elegant, red carpet presentation, Spotlight on Community Hero Pets, will honor recipients in six categories, including search and rescue, law enforcement, therapy, military, and service animals.
To help PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap continue its mission to help homeless animals donate here.
Diabetic Alert Dog Program and Students Featured on King 5s New Day Northwest
On November 30th Service Dog Academy was featured on New Day Northwest with Margaret Larson where we talked about our Diabetic Alert Dog Classes. We were accompanied by 4 of our service dog students, 2 diabetic alert dogs, 1 narcolepsy alert dog and one hearing alert dog. 2 of the dogs were under 8 months of age and made us VERY proud with their calm demeanors. You can watch the interview by clicking on the photo above. We had one of our diabetic alert dog students go low right as the audience members were walking into the studio which consequently set off all three diabetic alert dogs. Proof positive that our training works!
Citka, our first Improvisational Diabetic Alert Dog Featured in Key Peninsula News
Citka, our first Improvisational Diabetic Alert Dog was recently featured in the Key Peninsula News. The story talks about how Citka has repeatedly saved Judith’s life using his highly training diabetic low sensing nose. Amazingly Citka has also started alerting to Judith’s atrial fibrillation. We are so proud of what Judith has accomplished through our Diabetic Alert Dog 101 training class.
Animal Wellness Magazine Feature on Our Diabetic Alert Dog Program
The Service Dog Academy was recently featured in the latest issue of Animal Wellness Magazine in an article about detection dogs! The article featured one of our past diabetic alert students, Buddy, who saved his owner’s life when his blood sugar crashed and he passed out at work. To Read the entire article please download the following pdf.
Premier Pets Honors Service Dog Academy’s use of Positive Reinforcement Dog Training Toys With Honorary Post on Their Blog

We use a number of Premier’s dog training toys to help train our diabetic alert dogs. Premier was gracious enough to allow us to tell them in a guest blog post about how we use positive reinforcement and their amazing toys to create what we call the Improvisational Diabetic Alert Dog (TM). You can read more on the process of how we use Premier toys on Premiers Blog.
CityStream TV Program on the Seattle Channel
In this interview City Stream reporter Roxeanne Vainuku talks with Mary McNeight and one of Service Dog Academy’s clients Jacqueline Glass about the training of her dog Peanut, a diabetic alert dog in training.
Komo Television & APDT Recognition
Komo Newsradio
Ian Sterling, reporter for Komo Newsradio, became interested in The Service Dog Academy’s Diabetic Alert program and the groundbreaking training programs she offers at her dog training school. Sterling recently caught up with Mary and Liame at the West Seattle Dog Training Studio and Mary had the opportunity to share with the Seattle area her groundbreaking program in diabetic alert, utilizing a dog’s powerful scent receptors to help monitor blood sugar, and her innovative training with a dog to alert and assist with narcolepsy.
You can view the transcribed interview on Komo’s West Seattle Community Pet Website or listen to the interview here: Komo NewsRadio Interview with Service Dog Academy’s Diabetic Alert Dog Program
Examiner Articles
In more great news, The Service Dog Academy was recently visited by Examiner reporter Prescott Breeden. He talked with Mary McNeight about the expanding world of service dogs, and diabetic alert training – which is now being offered at the studio! We are so excited to be featured in the Seattle Examiner, and to share our upcoming ventures and training opportunities with the community. Check out the recently published article here.

Zuzu a service dog in training in our west seattle dog training classes. Image copyright Tracy Campion.
Our unique train your own service dog program is making news again! In celebration of National Assistance Dog Week, Tracy Campion a writer for the Examiner decided to write several amazing stories on the uniqueness of our program. Tracy visited our West Seattle service dog training classes and spoke with some of our service dogs in training.
94.1 KMPS’s Good In Your Neighborhood Radio Interview
Screen capture taken from KMPS website.
The Service Dog Academy was recently featured on 94.1 KMPS’s Good In Your Neighborhood Radio Program. In this interview I talk about how the Service Dog Academy came about, who we help and what we plan to do in the future.
Fox National News
Image and video © Fox
The Service Dog Academy was recently featured on Fox’s National News Channel. Our head trainer was one of the dog teams shown during the program (see above image) and is the dog trainer Dan Springer is referring to at the end of the story. There was a longer piece that included our head trainer working with a diabetic detection service dog but was cut from the story due to election news. We are excited about this opportunity for media exposure so that we can start helping even more people! If you would like more information about our services please use the above categories to navigate our website and enter your questions into the corresponding pages. If you saw the interview and would like to make comments about it, we have provided a forum for you to do so on this page.
West Seattle Blog Features Our Dog Training Studio numerous times!

Image © West Seattle Blog
The Service Dog Academy is an avid reader of the West Seattle Blog and has had the great fortune of being mentioned on it on numerous occasions. One of their stories covered the announcement of our How To Train Your Own Diabetic Alert Dog Program and its recent graduates in November 2011.
Additionally they graciously featured our Positively Trained Dog Flash Mob. That flashmob went on to win the The Association for Pet Dog Trainers, National Train your Dog Month campaign with The Most Creative Community Event!
Evening Magazine
Image and video © Evening Magazine
You can hear about the first half of our owner Mary McNeight’s story on King 5’s television program Evening Magazine by watching it though this web link or clicking on the image above.