Who Owns Your Vet? The Silent Takeover of Pet Care by Private Equity
BOOK YOUR OWN PRIVATE CLASS Are you busy with work or school and dont have time to take our scheduled classes? We have an amazing option for you, private classes on your schedule. Click here for more info. Who Owns Your Vet? The Silent Takeover of Pet Care by Private Equity In recent years, a silent [...]
Puppy Socialization and Training With Zombies
Socializing Your Puppy With a Costume Party Socializing your puppy is one of the most important things you can do to help them grow into a confident, well-behaved dog. But let’s face it, the usual trips to the park or meet-ups with other dogs can get a little repetitive. So why not make socialization fun for you and your friends while giving your pup some unique [...]
Potty Training The Service Dog Way
CLASS STARTS TODAY DECEMBER 5th 2024 The next online zoom medical alert dog class starts December 5th 2024. Click on this photo to be taken to the class webpage. Potty Training the Service Dog Way Potty training a service dog requires precision, consistency, and adaptability. Unlike pet dogs, service dogs must be prepared to eliminate on [...]
Safe Thanksgiving Food For Dogs
CLASS STARTS IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS The next online zoom medical alert dog class starts December 5th 2024. Click on this photo to be taken to the class webpage. Thanksgiving Foods That Are Safe for Dogs to Eat Thanksgiving is a time for sharing, and for many pet owners, that includes our furry family members. [...]
Surviving A Shooting In Public WIth A Service Dog – What I Learned
NEXT ONLINE CLASS SCHEDULED We will be teaching our next online medical alert dog class October 29th 2024! How To Prepare Your Service Dog For Being In A Shooting I used to say that with all my years as a service dog trainer and user I have had EVERY experience you could have with a service [...]
When Its OK To Hit Your Service Dog In Training Puppy
NEXT CLASS STARTS OCTOBER 9th We will be teaching our online medical alert dog class starting on October 9th. Are you interested in an in person class? Please contact mary@servicedogacademy.com Does Mary Actually Recommend Hitting Puppies? Introducing a young puppy into a home where a cat already rules can be tricky. Puppies are naturally curious and [...]
How To Train Your Service Dog To Use Artificial Turf
NEXT MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASS STARTS IN LESS THAN 48 HOURS Teaching Your Dog to Use Artificial Turf: A Practical Guide Training your dog to use artificial turf for potty needs can be invaluable for pet owners, especially those traveling by airplane, cruising, or facing emergency situations like storms. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you teach [...]
Vehicle Emergency Supply Kit For Travel
Our Next Medical Alert Dog Class Starts May 8th Some students get their first precursor to alerts within 3 weeks of starting class! Creating an Emergency Vehicle Kit for Your Service Dog: Essentials for 2 Days Away from Home Emergencies can strike when we least expect them, and being prepared is key to ensuring the safety [...]
Transforming Anger and Frustration into Resilience: The Power of Play in Service Dog Training
FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 2020 WE ARE TEACHING A SECOND LEVEL OBEDIENCE CLASS Don't miss the opportunity to add skills your dog will need know while access the public as a trained service dog. Transforming Anger and Frustration into Resilience: The Power of Play in Service Dog Training Numerous individuals with disabilities may experience medical conditions that [...]
Service Dog Cooperative Care Reduces Vet Bills By Thousands
MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASSES TAUGHT ONLINE Want to train your own medical alert dog but don't want to get out of your pajamas? We have been training medical alert dogs over Zoom since 2019. Check our website to find out when the next class starts! Could Your Dog Get A Wound Treated With Staples Without Sedation? How Cooperative [...]
How To Teach Your Service Dog To Wear Boots
MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASSES TAUGHT ONLINE Want to train a medical alert dog but don't want to leave your home or pajamas, check out our online medical alert dog classes taught live over Zoom! How To Train Your Service Dog To Wear Boots Service dogs are remarkable companions that provide invaluable assistance to individuals with disabilities [...]
Raw Feeding Tips for Service Dogs and Pet Puppies
MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASSES TAUGHT ONLINE Want to train a medical alert dog but don't want to leave your home or pajamas, check out our online medical alert dog classes taught live over Zoom! The Raw Advantage: Unraveling the Benefits of Raw Feeding for Dogs As pet owners, we strive to provide the best care and [...]
Keeping Your Service Dog Cool in the Summer: Essential Tips for Pet Owners
MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASSES TAUGHT ONLINE Want to train a medical alert dog but don't want to leave your home or pajamas, check out our online medical alert dog classes taught live over Zoom! 2023 Is Ending Up Being One Of The Hottest Summers On Record, How Can You Keep Your Service Dog Cool In Temps Like This? [...]
Exercising Your Service Dog Indoors During Inclement Weather
MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASSES TAUGHT ONLINE Want to train a medical alert dog but don't want to leave your home or pajamas, check out our online medical alert dog classes taught live over Zoom! 5 Tips for Exercising Your Service Dog Inside The Home During Inclement Weather Or Health Challenges These last couple of weeks have [...]
Flying With Service Dog How To Tips And Tricks
IMPRINTED MEDICAL ALERT DOG LABRADOODLES Our next litter of imprinted labradoodles is scheduled to go home in February of 2023! Airplane Travel in 2022 is a Verified Nightmare Arlines literally canceled THOUSANDS of flights over Memorial Day Weekend 2022. With airlines canceling even more on a daily basis, how can you make sure your trip with [...]
Do You Have A Back Up Plan If Your Service Dog Doesn’t Work Or Isn’t Around
GET ONE OF OUR IMPRINTED PUPPIES Our puppies are prepared for training for service work with superior genetics and exposure to environmental stimuli during their first 8 weeks that helps them succeed in their careers. I Was Trapped! I Thought I Broke My Leg And My Hand! A couple of months ago I fell while letting [...]
How To Prepare Your Dog For Being In A Hotel
GET ONE OF OUR IMPRINTED PUPPIES Our puppies are prepared for training for service work with superior genetics and exposure to environmental stimuli during their first 8 weeks that helps them succeed in their careers. Use The Following Tips To Prepare Your Service Dog For Hotel Visits Many of you don’t know this but in 2015 [...]
How to Divorce Proof Your Service Dog And How To Solve Legal Issues Before They Happen
Our Next Medical Alert Dog Class Starts September 2nd In our current class we have a student who is training for migraine alert that got her first precursor to an alert (dog smelling the owners mouth 30 minutes prior to start of symptoms) less then 21 days after the class started! Divorce Proofing Your Service Dog And How [...]
Service Dog Emergency Evacuation Kit For Natural and Manmade Disasters
Our Next Medical Alert Dog Class Starts September 2nd In our current class we have a student who is training for migraine alert that got her first precursor to an alert (dog smelling the owners mouth 30 minutes prior to start of symptoms) less then 21 days after the class started! Preparing you and your service dog to [...]
It’s National Service Dog Month – Share Your Service Dog Academy Stories
CHRISTMAS PUPPIES COMING DECEMBER 12th On August 17 Leia was bred with a service dog from a program in Nebraska . We expect to have imprinted labradoodles ready to go home to our students who need a dog starting December 12th. What Is National Service Dog Month? National Service Dog Month was first established in 2008 [...]
Labradoodle Service Puppies On Airplanes
LABRADOODLE PUPPIES TO GO HOME RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Our Imprinted Labradoodle puppies can be trained with your unique scent profile for seizures, pots, afib, diabetes, migraines, narcolepsy and even hypoKPP. Using our proven training methods and brain building exercises your new puppy will alert you much younger than the vast majority of dogs in the US. It's Official, [...]
Will My Service Dog Go To Heaven?
IMPRINTED LABRADODLE PUPPIES AVAILABLE TO GO HOME IN NOVEMBER This labradoodle litter is for you, our students, who want to train their own dogs and part of the litter going into pet dog homes. Not only will we be using a superior puppy raising program to raise your puppies to be confident service dog candidates but also using a new program to teach them some [...]
Inexperienced Service Dog Trainers – Putting Your Life And Future On The Line
ONE WEEK LEFT TO REGISTER We will be teaching our 8 week online medical alert dog class starting October 25th 2018. Register ASAP. Should You EVER Work With An Inexperienced Medical Alert Dog Trainer? Berkley from Hotlanta (Atlanta) Georgia has our question of the week. Berkley has POTS, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and wants to train [...]
Its Difficult To Find Experienced Service Dog Trainers, Here’s My Solution
Solution for people who cannot find experienced medial alert dog service trainers in their local area.
Best Breed Of Dog For Service Alert Training
ONLINE MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASS No more traveling to class. Enroll in our in person online training classes to learn how to teach your dog to alert to diabetes, POTS, narcolepsy, migraines, seizures and A-fib. What Breed Of Dog Should I Get To Alert Me To My Medical Condition. Cooper from Memphis Tennessee has our question [...]
What’s The Best Bang For Your Medical Alert Service Dog Socialization Buck?
OUR LAST IN PERSON MEDICAL ALERT DOG CLASS We will be teaching our LAST IN PERSON medical alert dog class in St. Louis June 30th-July 3rd 2018. Registration must be completed by June 9th! What's The Best Bang For Your Medical Alert Service Dog Socialization Buck? Madison from Wisconsin has our question of the week. Madison [...]
Dont Make My Mistake When Training Your Medical Alert Dog Labradoodle Puppy
OUR LAST IN PERSON CLASS We will be teaching our LAST in person medical alert dog class over July 4th Weekend. Registration must be completed by June 2nd! Don't Make The Mistake I Made While Training My Own Puppy For Medical Alert Work Byron from Indiana has our question of the week. Byron has narcolepsy [...]
The Times They Are A Changin
2 MORE CHANCES TO TRAIN IN PERSON After July 4th We Will No Longer Run In Person Medical Alert Dog Classes. If You Want To Work 1 on 1 With Mary McNeight, You Will Need To Register Now. Last Year I Made Less Than $10,000 Last year, in my attempt to help people train their own [...]
Ketogenic Diet Saves Life Of Service Dog Trainer
WE ARE TEACHING AGAIN IN ST. LOUIS We will be teaching our medical alert dog class in St. Louis Memorial Day Weekend May 25th-28th 2018. Registration must be completed by May 4th! How I Lost The Equivalent Of A Service Dog In Weight and... My Migraines, Neuropathy, Endometriosis, Eczema, Blood Sugar Swings and High Blood Pressure! My [...]
Im Gonna Beat Your Ass
WE ARE COMING BACK TO SEATTLE We will be teaching our medical alert dog class in Seattle April 5th-8th 2018 in Seattle. Registration must be completed by March 29th! Proof Of Why You Should Choose An Experienced Medical Alert Service Dog Trainer Several weeks ago I put out a Medical Alert Dog Monday video where I [...]
What Can An A-fib (Atrial Fibrillation) Alert Dog Be Trained To Do?
WE ARE COMING BACK TO SEATTLE We will be teaching our medical alert dog class in Seattle April 5th-8th 2018 in Seattle. Registration must be completed by March 15th! What Can An AFib Alert Dog Be Trained To Do? Franklin from Nashville Tennessee has our question of the week. Franklin, like a lot of older adults, has [...]
Service Dogs In School – POTS Dysautonomia Alert Dog Trainer
WE ARE COMING BACK TO SEATTLE We will be teaching our medical alert dog class in Seattle April 5th-8th 2018 in Seattle. Registration must be completed by March 8th! Can My Child Take Their Medical Alert Dog To School With Them? Amelia from Cincinnati Ohio has our question of the week. Amelia's daughter had POTS, Postural Orthostatic [...]
What Tasks Can A POTS Dysautonomia Alert Dog Do For Me
WE ARE COMING BACK TO SEATTLE We will be teaching our medical alert dog class in Seattle April 5th-8th 2018 in Seattle. Registration must be completed by March 1st! What Tasks Can A POTS / Dysautonomia Alert Dog Do For Me? Howard from Wichita Kansas has our question of the week. Howard has POTS, a form [...]
Don’t Listen To The Advice Of Your Friends
WE ARE COMING BACK TO SEATTLE We will be teaching our medical alert dog class in Seattle April 5th-8th 2018 in Seattle. Registration must be completed by March 1st! Should you ever trust the advice of your friends, family or coworkers when it comes to training a medical alert dog? Marion from Memphis Tennessee has our [...]
2 Ways Inexperienced Dog “Trainers” Can Ruin Your Service Dog In Training
IMPRINTED PUPPIES AVAILABLE NOW Your best chance at training your own dog comes from our own highly-screened, tempermentally sound, imprinted puppy litter. Reserve your puppy today. 2 Ways Inexperienced "Trainers" Are Ruining Your Service Puppy In Training I get it. Training your own service dog seems expensive right? Money for classes, money for the dog, money for [...]
A Testimony After Almost 3 Years Of Alerts
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] "There is no question in my mind that he saved me."In 2015 Ross took our 4 Day Medical Alert Dog Class in Seattle with his dog Crush. 4 days ago, out of the blue, Ross calls me and recounts how his incredibly reliable medical alert dog alerted to a night time low he never expected. Ross wants to share with you how our class, his hard work and [...]
The Evolution of Migraine Alert Dog Training
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] I personally know what it's like to suffer through a migraine. My migraines can be easily triggered by scents like perfume and cologne. Marshall from Kansas City Missouri has our question of the week. Marshall has had migraines for 6 years. He's done his research about Service Dog Academy and has found out that we have been training migraine alert dogs since 2010. Marshall called our office and [...]
Dont Obedience Train Your Service Dog Puppy Before Medical Alert Dog Classes
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Why can obedience classes cause your dog to be a less reliable alerter? Anya from Oregon has our question of the week. Anya has question EVERYONE who trains their own POTS Alert Dog or Medical Alert Dog has, should you obedience train your dog prior to taking medical alert dog classes. This is an important question because the order in which you train can have a significant effect [...]
My Dog Has Never Noticed My Blood Sugar Changes
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] What does Pirate Mary say about teaching an old dog new tricks? Independence from Cedar Rapids Iowa has our question of the week. Independence has a 3 year old labrador who has yet to show any sign of recognizing her hypoglycemia episodes. She has been told that if her dog has not supernaturally noticed her low blood sugars in the last three years that the dog will never [...]
Meet Me In St. Louis
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Homer, one of our Already Trained Diabetic Alert Dogs learning to focus at a football game.Service Dog Academy will once again be featured at a diabetes conference. Take Control Of Your Diabetes is having their annual conference in St. Louis this year and Service Dog Academy will have a booth at this wonderful learning opportunity. The conference includes educational presentations, a health fair and even a free lunch [...]
Do I Have To Take My Service Dog With Me All The Time?
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Homer and Imogene, two of our Already Trained Diabetic Alert Dogs learning to focus around distractions.Rachel from Michigan has our question of the week. Rachel is interested in getting a medical alert dog for her POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). She is interested in one of our imprinted puppies from our next litter but has a question about taking her puppy everywhere while she is in school. She [...]
Socializing A Young Puppy For Service Work – My First Tip
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Betty Lou an 8 week old Labradoodle puppy is still available for placement as a service dog candidate.Mason from Bloomington Normal Illinois has our question of the week. Mason has just received his new puppy and knows that if he is going to train it for service work he needs to socialize it to as many people places and things as possible. But Mason is having trouble managing [...]
2 Places To Never Take A Service Dog In Training
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] As a service dog handler who has been personally accompanied by a dog 24 hours a day 7 days a week for over eleven years, I have had just about every experience possible with a service dog right beside me. Ive been to football games and experienced the roar of a crowd as the winning touchdown has been scored, Ive been to amusement parks with two puppies in [...]
Christmas Labradoodle Puppies For Diabetic Alert Training
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Leia is pregnant with first generation Christmas Labradoodle puppies. She is due to give birth around December 11th. This litter will be raise with the following criteria: Imprinted with diabetic alert scent from one day old (can be imprinted with migraine scent as well) Early neurological stimulation as developed by the US military's super dog program Environmental enrichment Avidog Early Scent Introduction Open Paws Minimal Mental Health Guidelines [...]
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] On Thursday June 3rd I found out that Liame, my service dog of 8 years, the dog that inspired the creation of this business, has an incredibly aggressive form of kidney cancer and has days to weeks to live. I will be shutting down the operations of Service Dog Academy to focus on his care, comfort and happiness with the time he has left on this earth. Please [...]
Feeding A Medical Alert Dog Human Food As Training Treats
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Luke and Leonard learning to ignore human food placed at nose level at the St. Louis Missouri Six Flags Over Mid America. This Weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday Youtube Video question comes from a commenter on the website with the user name KinkyBear. KinkyBear is training her own medical alert dog and wants to know if she can feed her dog human food. KinkyBear didnt say whether [...]
Multiple Multi Dog Households and Diabetic Alert Puppy Training At Home
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] This Weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday Youtube Video question comes from Gretchen from Tacoma. Gretchen has a daughter with a seizures and has a older great dane. Gretchen had her older Dane professionally trained but is noticing some normal changes that sometimes come with old age (like not wanting to be around unfamiliar, young, whipper snapper puppies). Gretchen wants to know if she can train her own dog [...]
Medical Alert Dog Trained for Psychiatric Service or Emotional Support
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] This Weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday Youtube Video question comes from Service Dog Academy's Blog. A student from Tallahassee Florida left a comment asking if a medical alert dog trained for diabetic alert could also be trained for psychiatric service or even emotional support. This is a very pertinent question giving the fact that people with chronic life alerting conditions with no cures have a tendency to experience [...]
Ohio Narcolepsy Alert Dog Training Student – Should I Be Taking My Medical Alert Dog To The Local Dog Park
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] This Weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday Youtube Video question comes from a Ohio based Narcolepsy Alert Dog Student who attended one of my medical alert dog training classes in Seattle. In class his dog was super dog obsessed (and not in a bad way, just a very excited young dog who wanted to play with the other dogs in the class). Seeing that his dog was overly social, [...]
Can You Train A Diabetic Alert Dog With A Raw Food Diet – The Best Diabetic Alert Dog Training Techniques
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] This Weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday Youtube Video question comes from Madison from Columbus Ohio. Madison wants to feed her dog a raw meat based diet but is unsure if we allow dogs who eat primarily raw food into our training program. Madison has been doing her homework. She has watched our online videos and read our ebooks and has noticed that our primary method of rewarding our [...]
Flying To Midwest Diabetic Alert Dog Training Classes – Dogs In The Airplane Cabin
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] In 100% of the cases so far, we have had success in getting candidate dogs in the cabin of the airplane when traveling to our classes. This Weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday Youtube Video question comes from Cindy. Cindy wants to attend my Iowa Diabetic Alert / Medical Alert Dog Class but will have to travel there by airplane from the east coast. She wants to know if [...]
Performance Guarantee – What Is It Really Worth, Virginia Diabetic Diabetes Alert Dog Training
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] I have exciting news. The University of California at Irvine is taking air samples and testing them in a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. They are trying to determine exactly what (our migraine alert dog) is smelling. This Weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday Youtube Video question comes from Jason from Chicago Illinois. He writes, "I am interested in purchasing an alert dog. There's a company out in Virginia that [...]
Training A Diabetic Alert Dog For College and University – When Do You Start To Train Diabetes Alerts – Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kentucky
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] We drove Brayden out to College, along with his buddy Bella, driving away and leaving him there is hard enough as a parent, never mind that he is a diabetic. Without Bella we would have gone crazy with worry, she is the only thing positive for Brayden that has come out of the word diabeties. The Diabetic Alert Dog Training classes were the best investment we ever made [...]
One Dog Alerting To Multiple Medical Conditions – Diabetes, Seizures, Narcolepsy, Migraines, Asthma
ODMMA - One Dog, Multiple Medical Alerts - Is It Possible? Solstice from Bellingham Washington is a type one diabetic. She is getting a German Shepherd puppy from a breeder in a few weeks. Solstice not only wants to train her pup for diabetes but wants to train her dog to alert to her migraines. However, Solstice isnt sure its even possible for one dog to perform alerts for more [...]
Migraine Alert Dog Training – How Long Does It Take To Train Your Own At Home
Migraine Alert Puppy Trainer - How Long Will It Take To Train An Alert In My Home Ashley from Ohio has severe chronic migraines that causes headaches, light sensitivity, nausea, vertigo and vomiting. She is interested in getting a migraine alert dog but still has some questions about them. Her question has to do with how long it actually takes to train a migraine alert dog, whether that be an [...]
Diabetes Alert Puppies In Training – Even In Their Service Dog Vests, Do They Have Public Access Rights
Diabetic Alert Puppy In Training - Service Dog Vests, Do They Provide Public Access Rights In Your Community Joanna from Telluride Colorado has our Medical Alert Dog Monday Question of the Week. In Joanna's email she asks: "Hi. We are loving your program and our dog is responding really well. Myself (41) and my daughter (11) are both type 1 diabetics. What are the rules about a service dog vest [...]
Small Dogs As Medical Alert Service Dogs – Are They The Best Choice For Training Your Own Diabetic Alert Dog At Home
Small Dogs, Are They The Best Choice For Training Your Own Diabetes Service Dog At Home? Marianne from the Bridge of the USS Enterprise D wants to know about getting a dog that is less than 40 lbs as her service dog. Small service dogs for diabetes, seizure, narcolepsy and migraine alert work certainly do have their benefits. Over the life of the dog, they tend to cost less to [...]
Hemiplegic Migraine Alert Dog Training – Alerts, Medication Reminder, Preventing Pain, Nausea and Paralysis
Traditional Migraines and Hemiplegic Migraine Alert Dogs - Preventing Symptoms With Advanced Warning Of Impending Paralysis and Pain Gabby from Kansas City Missouri has our Medical Alert Dog Monday Question of the Week. In Gabby's email she asks: "Hi my name is Gabby and my mom has had migraines for the past 2 years. How would she benefit from having a service dog?" [message type="success"]Student Testimonial: "If you have not [...]
Certified Service Dog – Is It A Scam – Diabetic and Seizure Alert Puppy Trainer – Oregon
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] This weeks socialization item is stuffed animals like those you would see at your local Natural History Museum. Seizure Alert Dog Training Certification - Oregon and Washington State Amanda from Medford Oregon wants to know how she should go about getting her dog who is training for seizure alert work (a dog who should be able to dial 911 on a dog phone, go get help during a [...]
Night Alerting Training Tips For Diabetic Hypoglycemia Alert Dog
Night Alerting For Diabetic Alert Dogs - The Holy Grail Of Diabetes Alert Puppy Training I get it, night time can be especially scary for diabetics. That is why almost 98% of the people who contact me for diabetic or medical alert dog training ask about how they can get their dogs to alert them if their blood sugars drop too low at night. In this Medical Alert Dog Monday [...]
Midwest Diabetic Alert Dog Training Advice – How Young Is Too Young?
At least three times a week I get emails from potential students looking to train their own medical alert dogs. Most of them either ask how old the dog has to be to start medical alert dog training or assume that their dog is too young to start medical alert dog training. In the video, Lavoyce from Kansas wants to know how old the dog has to be to start [...]
Diabetic Alert Dog Training Advice – Should I Get A Male Or Female Puppy
Battle of the Sexes: Male or Female Puppy For Diabetic Alert? One of the more frequent questions I get from people who want to train their own diabetic alert dog or people who want to purchase a diabetic alert dog is if a male or a female puppy would be a better choice for their specific needs. This is a controversial question in the service dog training community. You will [...]
Diabetic Alert Dog Travel – Free Advice – Missouri Illinois
We have three videos on travel tips for your turkey day adventures with your pups. Whether you are traveling from one coast to another on an airplane or just over the hill and through the woods to grandmothers house, you can count on these travel tips to take the headaches out of commuting long distances with your pup, diabetic alert dog or not. Although we no longer train pet dogs, [...]
Migraine Alert Dog Training Could Prevent Brain Damage
We cant wait to help you prevent migraines from robbing you of your quality of life on this planet with the use of a trained Migraine Alert Dog - Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, CCS, BGS [custom_frame_right shadow="on"][/custom_frame_right] St. Louis Missouri Classes Teaching Migraine Alert Dog Training Use the power of your dogs nose to save you from misery and suffering from a Migraine! Unfortunately Im sitting here at my desk about [...]
How To Make Your Own Diabetic Alert Dog Training Scent Wheel
A few of you had some interest in the scent wheel I brought into class. I have decided to add an additional bonus to your Diabetic Alert Dog Training Program by providing you with all the information you will need to create yourself a scent wheel. Scent Wheels can increase pavlovian responses and drive to search in your dog. Its also a great way to test whether or not your [...]
Diabetic Alert Dog Puppy Training – Preventing Guarding Or Growling Around Toys And Bones
Train Your Service Dog / Pet Dog or Diabetic Alert Dog To Never Guard Bones Service dogs need to be completely safe around other dogs and humans. They need to think that no matter who approaches them when they have something in their mouth, be it a two year old child, an autistic adult or even another dog, that there is never a need to guard anything. Watch our free [...]
World Diabetes Day
Diabetes Symptoms Can Go Unnoticed Diabetes can often go undiagnosed because the symptoms seem harmless. According to the Center for Disease Control, around 20 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, and roughy 7 million more are undiagnosed. World Diabetes Day on November 14th as part of Diabetes Awareness month is set aside to recognize the symptoms and talk about this disease that adversely affects so many lives. Symptoms for Type [...]
Your Dog Prefers to Work for Food. Here’s the Proof!
Work to Eat: The Foundation of our Training If you're familiar with Service Dog Academy's training program, you know we can't express enough how much we love work-to-eat puzzles. For puppies and adult dogs, and even older dog training, Service Dog Academy's work to eat program creates more than just a smarter dog, but a happy one, too! At our Seattle dog training classes, we preach the work-to-eat [...]
Advice on Puppy Manners: Taking Treats Nicely
It's not a Trick, Just Good Puppy Manners: How to Train your Puppy to Take Treats Nicely Do you have "Jaws" in your home? When you reward your puppy or adult dog with kibble, do they tend to bite the fingers attached to it, too? In this video, Maggie, our very special diabetic alert dog in training and Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, BGS show you how to get your puppy to [...]
Pet Puppy Socialization: The Service Dog Way Pt. 2
How do you get a fearless dog? By great socialization training, of course! Socialization is a not only a key component of a well-behaved service dog, it's important for pet dogs, too! In fact, the number one reason dogs end up in shelters is under socialization. Socializing Puppies: The Service Dog Way To show how awesome well-socialized puppies can be, watch how two of our board and train pups, Cooper [...]
Groundbreaking Workshop Making D.A.Ds Possible
Diabetic Alert Dogs from Oregon to Illinois Something incredible happened over Labor Day Weekend. Diabetics from all over the U.S. traveled to Service Dog Academy's training studio in West Seattle and participated in the first-ever intensive diabetic alert dog program. No longer is the hope of a diabetic alert dog, and the possibility of a more independent life with diabetes limited to just a few lucky parts of the country. [...]
Liame Recognized as ‘Hero’ by PAWS
Liame and Mary McNeight with the other PAWS award winners. Liame's hard work over the years has paid off! On May 19th, professional positive reinforcement dog trainer Mary McNeight's 4-year old yellow Lab walked the red carpet to receive a plaque for his outstanding service to the community at the annual PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap Spotlight on Community Hero Pets 'Hero Dog Awards!' Liame's very existence fueled [...]
Animal Planet “Dogs 101” Program Fails To Educate Public On Family Dogs Pre Biting Behavior
Has anyone seen the cute "Best Family Dog" episode of Dogs 101 on Animal Planet? Cute Labrador Retrievers, Cute Goldens, Cute dogs all around. But did anyone happen to notice the PUGGLE almost BITE the child about 5 minutes into the program? This illustrates how clueless most people are about dog behavior and dogs protracted warning signs (signs dogs give off before they attack/bite). Someone royally failed over in the [...]
Diabetic Alert Dog Facts & FAQ Webinar – Know The Truth
Get to know the truth about Diabetic Alert Dogs and training them in this free webinar class attended by dog trainers and prospective medical alert dog training students all across the United States, Canada and even India! In this online video we learn if your young puppy can be trained for hypoglycemia or type 2 diabetes, how to find a high quality already trained diabetic alert dog and facts other trainers dont want you to know. This free online class was run by Mary McNeight, the owner of Washington State's top positive reinforcement medical alert dog training school.
More Praises from our Diabetic Alert Dog Graduates
It's always great to hear feedback from our diabetic alert 101 graduates, and when they have a success story to tell, it gives us chills. Whether you're looking to positively train for diabetic alert, get an already trained dog through Service Dog Academy, or just train the basics in puppy class using all positive reinforcement, Jeff and Rich have some helpful advice. Jeff and Rich took their dogs to Service [...]
Fireworks Anxiety In Dogs – Free Puppy Dog Training Advice
Free dog training advice to minimize your dogs fear of fireworks. Just incase you were unable to get this type of free professional state certified dog trainer techniques in our basic Seattle puppy kindergarten classes that were voted best dog & puppy trainer / training by our students this article will give you tips and tricks to reduce your dogs overall anxiety level using non-violent, positive reinforcement, training techniques. Our training classes help you set up your pet puppies personality just like that of a service dog, to be afraid of nothing!
Featured Presenter For 2012 Diabetes Expo
After last years amazing success, Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, CCS, BGS was once again chosen by the ADA to a present at a breakout stage during the 2012 American Diabetes Association's Expo. The presentation, titled Diabetic Alert Dog: Myth vs. Reality went over the myths bunked by her experience with her diabetic alert dog training classes, seminars and workshops that have seen 23 successful medical alert dogs graduate to save their owners lives. Our Diabetic Alert Dog classes that serve Type 1 & 2 diabetics and hypoglycemic students have helped take the $20,000 price tag off of the trained diabetic alert dog.
How to Find your Service Dog or Puppy – For Diabetes, Seizure & Medical Alert Work
So you want a diabetic alert dog but dont know what to do? This Super Service Dog Puppy ebook will help you navigate the waters from purchasing an already trained dog to training your own puppies in our positive reinforcement classes at our Seattle dog training studio. We are the premier resource for medical alert dog training in the state of Washington. Download the ebook for our best free dog and puppy training advice by our Certified dog trainers.
Seattle Puppy Class Work To Eat Strategy Creates Improvisational Diabetic Alert Dogs
Article as featured on Premier's blog. Seattle, Washington has a unique brand of dog trainer at Service Dog Academy. Nowhere else in the Pacific Northwest can people with diabetes learn to train their dogs to alert to blood sugar imbalances. As a part of Service Dog Academy staff, we work hard to get this highly specialized training to more and more people each day. Our dog training studio was founded [...]
Puppy Class Techniques To The Rescue – Even Dog Trainers Are Human
Our basic pet puppy classes which are held in our West Seattle Dog Training Studio are a great way to get your dog used to be handled in stressful situations. Our puppy class not only deals with obedience, manners, puppy play and socialization, we deal with how to make your dog a better household member by accepting petting and physical touch, even when they want to bite, nip and squirm.
Cooper’s Puppy Manners Impress Seattle Diabetes Crowd
Cooper’s Puppy Manners, Obedience and Diabetic Alerting Impress Seattle Diabetes Crowdinflatable abominable snowman by Tracy Walsh A beautiful Seattle day brought us through gridlock traffic to Seattle’s Phinney Neighborhood Center on the afternoon of March 24th. We were there to represent the Service Dog Academy at the 22nd Annual ADA Family Retreat. The Annual Family Retreat is just one unique way that the American Diabetes Association realizes their mission - [...]
Pet Puppy Socialization – The Service Dog Way
In our basic Seattle puppy kindergarten classes we cover, socialization, manners and obedience training using non-violent, positive reinforcement, training techniques. We help you set your pet puppies personality just like that of a service dog. Our State Certified Professional dog trainers and behaviorists will show you how to harness your puppies innate nature to bring out the dog you have ALWAYS wanted.
Diabetic Alert Dog Television Debut
With four trained diabetic alert dogsin the studio audience at the live taping of New Day Northwest, Seattle's local morning talk show featuring musicians, artists, chefs, and other notable newsmakers, it was a relief none of the dogs alerted during Margaret Larson's interviews! Instead, it happened before the cameras started rolling. In the studio audience to support Mary McNeight's appearance promoting the Pacific Northwest's only train-your-own diabetic alert dog program [...]
Anxiety or Hypoglycemia? Know the Signs
Shaking, sweating, feeling dizzy, nervous, and confused, not being able to sleep or concentrate, according to the National Institute of Health, are symptoms of clinical anxiety; Nearly 40% of students at The Service Dog Academy who come in to train their pet dog for service work come in for psychiatric or anxiety related symptoms, says Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA owner and head trainer at the West Seattle dog training school. It [...]
Diabetic Alert Dog Fundamentals – Free Training Advice
Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, owner and head trainer of the Service Dog Academy shared some of her diabetic alert dog training fundamentals in a free webinar earlier this month with attendees from all over the country. With her background in training service dogs, and seeing the effects of diabetes through personal experience and with family members, McNeight set out to make training dogs for diabetic alert accessible for everyone. Attendees from [...]
An Improvisational Dog Story
Things were getting fuzzy for Judith at the grocery store. Her 2-year old Golden Retriever, Citka, was jumping on her, mouthing her arm, trying to pull her off the electric cart (she is safer on the floor when things get this way), and a saleswoman nearby was very upset, thinking this was a badly-behaving service dog. But there wasn't anything wrong with Citka, he was doing his job by doing [...]
Traveling with a Service Dog: Airline Travel Part 2
Dog obedience classes, puppy obedience positive reinforcement training classes help support people with disabilities by funding service dog training and diabetic alert dog training classes. West Seattle dog training studio presents tips and dog trainer advice on traveling with a service dog, and traveling with your pet dog. Seattle, Beacon Hill, White Center, Bellevue, Redmond, Everett, Burie
Congratulations Diabetic Alert Dog 101 Graduates
Big congratulations are in order for our 5th graduating class of diabetic alert dogs! This Sunday November 6, 2011, trainee dogs and their owners will come into the Service Dog Academy studio for their 8th and final class, and leave as certified diabetic alert dogs. We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate World Diabetes Day on November 14th, than to send off a new group of [...]
You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
You can teach an old dog new tricks in west seattle dog training school party tricks class. Teach obedience and manners using positive reinforcement and clicker training. Also classes for basic puppy obedience / puppy kindergarten & socialization, adult dog obedience, Canine Good Citizen, and more with the best dog trainer in Puget Sound, West Seattle, Beacon Hill, White Center.
Traveling with a Service Dog: Airline Travel – Seattle Dog Training Classes
Support for videos such as this one comes from our pet dog training program. When you choose to train with the Service Dog Academy, you are helping fund our low cost programs for people with disabilities. Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, is committed to continuing her education as a certified dog trainer and travels often - attending conferences and educational seminars all over the country. Overall, she has taken more than 40 [...]
Support Disabled While Training Your Pet Puppy With Us
Pet puppy and adult seattle dog training, socialization, manners, obedience and tricks classes in West Seattle, Beacon Hill and White Center. When you take one of our seattle dog training classes you are helping to support people with disabilities. We offer Puget Sound's premier pet puppy, adult dog and service dog training. Here is a video on how to travel with your service dog that your seattle dog training classes help support.
Diabetic Alert Program Featured On Komo News and At American Diabetes Association Camp
Our hero Ian Sterling from Komo News Radio A trip to The Museum of Flight to check out the B-17 Bomber, Aluminum Overcast, turned fruitful for Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, CCS, BGS and for KOMO Newsradio. The local news was at the museum, covering the unveiling of the bomber for its limited engagement at the museum. After talking with Mary, Ian Sterling, reporter for Komo Newsradio, became interested in The Service [...]
Staff Member Enrolls in Basic Obedience, Loves It!
Operations Manager Carrie Rubens' Dog Rondo As The Service Dog Academy's operations manager, I spent a good amount of time helping Mary prepare for her classes, stuffing Kongs, getting future students enrolled in the classes, and championing her successful positive reinforcement dog training program. At the end of the day, as staff member at a dog training school / studio, it became apparent that I needed a well-behaved dog to [...]
Featured Presenter at Seattle Diabetes Expo
Mary McNeight, CPDT-KA, CCS presented to a full house at the breakout stage at the American Diabetes Association's 2011 Expo on April 30th. The presentation went over her groundbreaking train your own Diabetic Alert Dog classes that serve Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics and hypoglycemia students in Seattle, Everett, Tacoma and Bellevue.
We Have Been Nationally Recognized!
The West Seattle Service Dog Academy has been recognized by the Association for Pet Dog Trainers for its participation in the APDT's Train Your Dog Month contest thanks to trainer Mary McNeight's positive reinforcement methods. Additionally, the award-winning training studio was also featured in a recent Examiner.com article for McNeight's diabetic alert dog classes, puppy, and adult dog obedience training.
Diabetic Alert Dog Training Class Starting April 7th
The Service Dog Academy to Hold Puget Sounds First Diabetic Alert Dog Training Class A Diabetic Alert Dog Training Student Posing in front of our award from the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Contest for Train Your Dog Month West Seattle, March 7, 2011—The Service Dog Academy, located in West Seattle, will be teaching the Puget Sounds groundbreaking train your own Diabetic Alert Dog training class starting April 7th at [...]
Final Positive Reinforcement Dog Training Flashmob Video
The first ever Positive Dog Training FLASH MOB! Flash Mob: A group of people who appear from out of nowhere, to perform predetermined actions, designed to amuse and confuse surrounding people. The group performs these actions for a short amount of time before quickly dispersing. Flash mobs are often organized through email and/or newsgroup postings. (Source: www.UrbanDictionary.com.) On Sunday January 16, 2001 just after 3:00 pm 14 dog/handler teams came [...]
Seattle Positively Trained Dog Flash Mob
Join us for the first ever Positive Dog Training FLASH MOB! Organized by Service Dog Academy in association with Sidekick Dog Training & Puget Sound Positive Training to promote APDT’s Train Your Dog Month. FLASH MOB DETAILS Date: Sunday January 16th, 2011 Time: 3:00 pm (please arrive at least 15 minutes early) Location: Westlake Park, Seattle, WA (across from Westlake Center) Who can participate? Any handler with a dog-friendly and [...]
We Have A New Studio – Adult Dog & Puppy Training
Just in time for Christmas puppy season - A brand new state of the art dog training studio and tons of class times to choose from to fit in your busy schedule! Support people with disabilities while training your PET dog. Personal in home appointments are also available.
Give The Gift Of A Well Trained Dog!
In todays disposable society, get your friends and family the gift that lasts a lifetime, the gift of a WELL TRAINED DOG. Our gift certificates come in various amounts and can be applied towards both our private in home training sessions and classes. We travel all throughout Seattle and the Puget Sound region for our pet puppy training and adult dog training sessions.
Our Beloved Service Dog Jasper Will Be So Missed
Jasper "jazzy pants" "j dog" McNeight survived 13.5 years. He was peacefully put to sleep at 5:00pm on November 16th 2010. He was a very, very, very good dog. He was lucky enough to touch thousands of lives through his daily work as my service dog and his travels to at least 12 states. His legacy will live on through the works of Service Dog Academy. You can view more [...]
Service Dog Academy: Making News Again
The Service Dog Academy has a unique program allowing people to train the dogs they already own for service work. We have been recognized by the mainstream media for both our private in home training and class room dog training on numerous occasions.
Exceeding Service Dog Trainer Standards
Mary McNeight and her trained service dog Liame laughing with Dr. Ian Dunbar in one of his dog training Seminars. The Service Dog Academy is proud to be listed as a provider of service dog training on the Delta Society website, a non-profit human/pet organization based in Bellevue, Washington. Founded in 1977, the Delta Society’s mission is to advance human health and well-being through positive interactions with animals. Their Pet [...]
Firecrackers And The 4th Of July
Firecrackers, even like the simple ones pictured, can cause anxiety in your dog. Since I have two VERY sound sensitive dogs, I know what a pain the 4th of July can be for both human and dog alike. The lack of sleep, the pacing dogs and the ultimate fear that they might jump through the window in an attempt to get out of the house are all my daily companions [...]
How Service Dogs Increase Independent Living
Service Dog Academy class students during a training exercise at a local mall. Mobility and independence are human qualities that we take for granted until we no longer have them. But when physical injury or illness or mental trauma or impairment strike, the associated loses also affect self-esteem, confidence, happiness and even safety. Scientists can’t explain the human-dog bond but they do know that it circumvents the intelligence and goes [...]
How Dogs Learn – Seattle Style
In May, the Service Dog Academy attended a three day dog trainer seminar in Seattle conducted by Dr. Ian Dunbar, renowned veterinarian, animal behaviorist and writer. Seattle is on the cutting-edge of dog training techniques and the Service Dog Academy is leading the pack. The three day event covered all the basics in puppy and adult dog behavior problems as well as specialized training for competition dogs. Regardless of whether [...]
Adult Dog Training – 10 Professional Trainer Tips
Has your adult dog regressed to its terrible two's? Behavior we accept in puppies such as destructive chewing, potty training accidents and separation anxiety become serious problems when our adolescence or adult dog continues or re-starts such behavior. Getting Your Attention Your adult dog's bad behavior could be boredom, depressed, loneliness or just an attempt to get your attention. Before your attention turns to hostile discipline or you consider a [...]
Best Dog Food Puzzle: The Kongsicle
See how you can get a FREE Kong Extreme like the one featured in this video by scheduling your first training appointment today! Stop your dog's anxiety, depression and disruptive boredom with the best dog food puzzle toy recipe: the frozen Kongsicle. Kongs are nontoxic, highly durable and all natural rubber food puzzle toys. This food toy will revive the hunter in your dog and the Kongsicle will soon be [...]
Fox News Interview
The Service Dog Academy was recently featured on Fox's National News Channel. Our head trainer was one of the dog teams shown during the program (see the above image) and is the dog trainer Dan Springer is referring to at the end of the story. There was a longer piece that included our head trainer working with a diabetic detection service dog but was cut [...]
Educational Advancements
Mary McNeight and her service dog Liame laughing with Dr. Ian Dunbar in one of his Seminars. The Service Dog Academy is constantly keeping up on the advancements in the science of dog training! In May of 2010 we attend Dr. Ian Dunbar's (the rock star of dog training) seminar on how to better teach our classes through the use of games. In January of 2010 we attended Clicker Expo [...]
Pet Dog Classes & In Home Training!
PET puppy and adult dog training and socialization classes in West Seattle, Beacon Hill and White Center. Private in home training "pay it forward" program that benefits people with disabilities. We offer Puget Sound's premier pet puppy, adult dog and service dog training and nationwide via Skype's video conferencing.