Mary McNeight, CCS, BGS – Director of Training And Behavior

In the picture to the right, Mary McNeight, CCS, BGS is presenting on Service Dog Program Basics and Law at the Association of Professional Dog Trainers 2013 Conference
In 2012, Mary won NATIONAL RECOGNITION for the 2nd year in a row by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and was awarded a $1500 scholarship to attend the APDT 2012 Educational conference for her entry in the Dr. Robert Curran NewTrix Video Contest on with her video on How to Teach the Service Dog “Quick Greet”!

Mary McNeight has attended the following educational conferences

Using only methods approved by the American Humane Association and positive reinforcement techniques, Mary is available for private training sessions as well as offering small group classes for both service and pet dog training in order to provide the best possible service that caters to your needs. Mary is also dedicated toward providing low-cost service dog training for people with disabilities ever since she had to become the resource she needed to train her own dog for service work. Currently, Mary is owned by her yellow lab who is a certified diabetic alert dog.
A certified dog trainer who has experienced life before a service dog, and life with a service dog, Mary McNeight is the best resource to help train your pet or service dog. She can be found teaching classes all around the United States, online and in her hometown of Waterloo, Illinois.

If you would like to have Mary McNeight personally speak at your upcoming conference, please use the following form.
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