Should You EVER Work With An Inexperienced Medical Alert Dog Trainer?
Berkley from Hotlanta (Atlanta) Georgia has our question of the week. Berkley has POTS, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and wants to train her own medical alert service dog for dysautonomia. She wants to know if if its ever a good idea to work with a trainer who has no experience with medical alert dog training or service dog training in general. Given our recent videos about the state of service dog and pet dog training in general in the United States and its lack of regulation or educational requirements, can you guess what this weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday video answer will be? See what our answer is in this weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday video and keep in mind that I was once an inexperienced trainer but I never put my hands on a dog until I had my Canine Studies Certificate and never even charged my first several clients even after taking additional classes on how to train a medical alert dog!
So what do you think of our answer? Now that you are thinking about your service dog as a daily lifesaver who is there to protect your health and your future, do you think you can trust your dog in the hands of an inexperienced trainer?
i have a question about a diabetic alert dog. I understand that I would have to send in a high blood sugar chemistry sample and a low blood sugar sample. However, I try to keep my blood sugar levels even – and so to take a sample I would have to subject myself to a high level and low level sugar level which could be dangerous. Is there another way?
We teach you when to collect samples which doesnt include you going super low or super high. Anyone who tells you otherwise is an inexperienced hack who doesnt understand DAD training. Why do you think I made the video in the first place? People are getting scammed every day.