We will be teaching our medical alert dog class in Seattle April 5th-8th 2018 in Seattle. Registration must be completed by March 1st!

Should you ever trust the advice of your friends, family or coworkers when it comes to training a medical alert dog?

Marion from Memphis Tennessee has our question of the week.  Marion has migraines and has been told by friends and family that migraine alert dogs are born and not made (meaning that the dogs are born with the ability to alert and cannot be trained to alert) and that Yorkies make the best migraine alert dogs.  She wants to know if any of this information is true.  This question brings up a big issue I have wanted to address for years.  Should you ever trust the advice of your friends, family or coworkers when it comes to training a medical alert dog?  See what our advice is regarding this important issue you will be facing when it comes time to choose whether or not you will purchase or train your own medical alert dog.

So what do you think of our answer?  Have you ever taken the advice of someone about the training of a medical alert dog and regretted it?  If so, or not, comment below.