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I personally know what it’s like to suffer through a migraine. My migraines can be easily triggered by scents like perfume and cologne.

Marshall from Kansas City Missouri has our question of the week. Marshall has had migraines for 6 years. He’s done his research about Service Dog Academy and has found out that we have been training migraine alert dogs since 2010. Marshall called our office and I had to give him some bad news about the limitations that our students are having when they train their own migraine alert dog. As one of the premier medical alert dog trainers in the country, I have noticed a pattern in my migraine alert dog students and have now had to evolve how I talk about how a migraine alert dog can help someone with chronic migraines. In this weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday you will learn how our students have changed the way they are using their migraine alert dogs.

So what do you think my answer? Do you think that your desire to have a migraine alert dog will change given pharmaceutical limitations? If so, please leave a comment below.