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Marshall from Kansas City Missouri has our question of the week. Marshall has had migraines for 6 years. He’s done his research about Service Dog Academy and has found out that we have been training migraine alert dogs since 2010. Marshall called our office and I had to give him some bad news about the limitations that our students are having when they train their own migraine alert dog. As one of the premier medical alert dog trainers in the country, I have noticed a pattern in my migraine alert dog students and have now had to evolve how I talk about how a migraine alert dog can help someone with chronic migraines. In this weeks Medical Alert Dog Monday you will learn how our students have changed the way they are using their migraine alert dogs.
So what do you think my answer? Do you think that your desire to have a migraine alert dog will change given pharmaceutical limitations? If so, please leave a comment below.
Migraine alerting is important regardless of the lack of migraine drug interventions. Having an alert system allows an individual to get to the right environment, whether its off the road, out of a store, etc. This can significantly reduce the trauma of the migraine while enabling one to get into a safe place. For me that means get out of the lab, and get home if there is time, or at least get to a safe environment.
I have basiliar migraines also. You are completely unaware when you’re having one. Others notice you’re slurring and shuttering. But since you don’t know it’s happening and you’re completely unaware, it’s extremely dangerous. I’m a school teacher and sure don’t want to be in front of my class teaching like that. Someone would then have to notify my family so someone could come pick me u p and drive me home. That’s only if someone noticed and understood what was happening. An alert dog is perfect for this, for me!!!! I also fall a lot during this type migraine. I’ll talk to anyone about it. Any neurologist should be able to too. Mine is an amazing advocate for me.
We would love to help you train your own medical alert dog for your migraines. Your best bet is to start with one of our imprinted puppies. You can view the page about our upcoming litter at the following webpage. http://servicedogacademy.com/wp/imprinted-medical-alert-dog-puppies/ These puppies will be going home in May, which would allow you all summer to train your puppy in preparation for brining it to school the following August. Its almost perfect timing!
Early notification would make a huge difference to my life. Just knowing that one is coming usually means that I can go and hide away and reduce the impact of the migraine or avoid getting on my bike. It can mean the difference between suffering through two to three days sometimes of the fallout from a full on episode and only losing half a day of productivity. Typically my better half will pick up on the fact that I’m “misfiring” as she would say and tell me to get my meds long before I even realize I’m not making any sense but sadly she can’t be with me 24/7 as have this thing called a job :-). This is where I believe the dogs have the biggest impact on our lives.
Well we are having a litter of puppies soon that can be imprinted with your migraine scent. Although you need to make your decision ASAP, like in the next week. Puppy info can be found at http://servicedogacademy.com/wp/imprinted-medical-alert-dog-puppies/
And our free 1.5 hour class on how to not get scammed by a breeder can be found on the following youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Cj1CooSqQ
Migraines run on both my paternal and maternal side and I started getting migraines about 38 years ago. For the last 4 years I have had chronic debilitating migraines. Early warning would be a HUGE benefit. Just this week I came across your website link on blog.themigrainereliefcenter.com/what-is-a-migraine-alert-dog and I have been researching online as much as possible since. I had already decided to get a puppy and finding this just reinforces my decision to have a service dog to help me manage my disability.