On August 17 Leia was bred with a service dog from a program in Nebraska . We expect to have imprinted labradoodles ready to go home to our students who need a dog starting December 12th.

What Is National Service Dog Month?

National Service Dog Month was first established in 2008 by actor and animal advocate Dick Van Patten. It’s an entire month dedicated to the powerful bond between service dogs and their owner and for owners to share their stories about how their dogs have changed their lives.  Its also a way for the general public to think about how they can help service dog programs by donating resources including money and time to their favorite service dog organizations.  If you would like to donate to Service Dog Academy, you dont even need to directly send money to our organization, you can donate directly to our vet or purchase food and supplies for us from Amazon using our Donate page.

Additionally we would like to use this month to collect testimonies and stories about how Service Dog Academy has helped you train your own medical alert dog either through our 50 free Youtube service dog training advice videos, our in person classes or our online video conferencing classes.

For example we have several students who will be featured in the upcoming book Doctor Dogs by New York Times Bestselling Author Maria Goodavage.  One is a dog that, thanks to our program, alerts to 3 different medical conditions and another who was trained to alert to diabetes but ended up alerting to a heart attack, a blood clot and even cancer.  Had we of not asked for testimonials from our students we would have never known that they had had such success after our classes.

Leave a comment below to tell us how amazing your Service Dog Academy inspired dog is!  Maybe your story might inspire someone without a dog to utilize our program to change their life too.


Matilda is a trained POTS alert dog. She is a Labradoodle from our first Imprinted Puppy Puppy Litter. Find out how you can get a puppy like her to train for your child.