Preparing you and your service dog to survive hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes and other manmade and natural disasters
Recently a train overturned in a community about 30 miles from our home location. The entire area surrounding the train full of toxic chemicals was forced to evacuate while they got the fire and subsequent chemical spill under control. Can you leave your home with 5 minutes notice and stay in another location with ease when you have a service dog? It can be done with a little preparation. This list is not meant to replace the advice of a survival expert. It is just an add on to a recommended FEMA supply list with service dog related materials.
Documentation, Documentation, Documentation
Put the following documentation in a binder in your evacuation kit
- Proof of vaccinations
- Proof of training history (receipts for training classes, class graduation certificates, documentation of your passing the canine good citizen test, etc)
- Documentation of training – document every hour you have spent training your dog for service work in a spread sheet for easy access
- If you have been featured in any newspapers or magazines or on any TV programs, include copies of this information in your binder. These will go far in being able to prove without a shadow of doubt your dog is a legit service dog.
- Dog licenses from city and county
- Any type of official or unofficial “certification” you have. Yes, we know if this is not required under federal law but in an emergency situation you don’t want to have to be explaining your rights to a hotel owner. Just being able to flash a fake “certification” badge can work in your favor.
- Pictures and/or videos of your dogs in busy public locations with you in service dog gear. I would recommend your have both physical photos and also ones on your cell phone or a flash drive. Just incase power is out in the location you are staying in you have a back up copy in your binder.
- An already mocked up “Service Dog Lost” poster of your dog just incase your dog is lost during the chaos of evacuations. Include email addresses and out of area emergency contact just incase your phone is lost or service is unavailable in your area.
- Letter from your doctor prescribing the use of a medical alert dog
- Your dogs entire medical file on a flash drive
- Your dogs microchip information and the paperwork on how to change the information just incase phone lines are down in your area.
- Service Dog laws cards and print outs
- List of local animal shelters/rescues phone numbers

An example of documentation to put in your binder
Emergency Supplies
- One week worth of your dogs food in its own small bag
- High value treats in small bags. You can get sample packs of the high value treats you use with your dog at local independent dog food retailers. You can also make your own small sealed bags of treats with a vacuum sealer.
- Enough bottled water for your dog to drink for a week
- Collapsible dog bowls
- Poo bags
- Benadryl, CBD oil/treats, anxiety relief solutions like Rescue Remedy or Homeopet’s Anxiety Relief Solution
- Medication (including flea and tick)
- An extra leash, harness and/or head halter
- Emergency contact dog tags that include out of area phone numbers
- A long line dog leash
- A tie down you can stake into the ground
- Dog First Aid Kit
- Soft sided, collapsible, foldable dog crate
- Extra service dog vest
- A dog coat to be used in inclement weather or when the power is down
- Dog wet wipes
- Small bottle of dog shampoo
- Quick drying towel
Emergency Camping Supplies
- Tent with enough room for you and your dog
- Foldable dog bed or blanket
- Protection from the sun
- Dog bug spray
- Tarp
- Duct Tape
- For car camping – screen material to use to block out bugs when windows are down
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